16 Sep

Also called the Hopkins Flag. This flag historically was used by Commodore Esek Hopkins, the USA’s first naval commander in chief, as his ensign during the American Revolution (1775~83).

The rattlesnake symbol originated in a 1754 political cartoon, “Join, or Die” published by Benjamin Franklin.

It is claimed that the image appeared on a drum displayed by the newly formed Marine Corps in 1775. A yellow drum with a rattlesnake and the words “Don’t tread on me” alongside it. The flag as we know it was presented to the Provincial Congress of South Carolina by Christopher Gadsden in 1776.

The flag’s symbolism:

The Rattlesnake is found nowhere else in the world besides America.

The Rattlesnake has extremely sharp eyes, representing vigilance.

The Rattlesnake never attacks, nor on engagement, ever surrenders.

This flag means, “Don’t mess with me, but if you do…” The Gadsden Flag reappeared after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Subsequently, the whole world was introduced to its meaning.

In recent times the Lunatic Left has portrayed this flag as racist. Absurd. To the Race Mongers on the Left, I say “Don’t Tread on Me.